February 6, 2013: Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Limited (“TBZ – The Original”), India’s well-known and trusted jewellery retailer with a rich legacy of around 150 years, continues on its growth and expansion plans in FY13. TBZ has posted total income (standalone) of Rs. 577.08 crore, for the quarter ended December 31, 2012. The Company posted a net profit of Rs. 24.73 crore for Q3 FY 2013. The Company achieved an impressive top line growth of 65% and bottom line growth of 30% on Quarter over Quarter despite a tough economic environment and higher gold prices. The EBITDA for Q3 stood at Rs. 43.59 crore and the EBITDA margin for Q3 was 7.55% of total income even though the industry faced several challenges in the third quarter. TBZ has achieved net profit margin at 4.29% for the quarter on account of sales growth, an optimal sales mix of gold and diamond wherein diamond jewellery sales enhanced the margins. The jewellery business continued to be affected by input cost increases and